A Smile You're Proud of

Dental Services

Reuss Dental provides a unique dental experience. We do most procedures from start to finish in our office which maximizes your time and convenience. 

We have a team of dental partners that help us provide state of the art dentistry. If you are looking for a custom experience, then we are the place for you. 

Comprehensive Dentistry

Dr. Reuss’s many years of experience and extensive training qualify him to care for your unique dental needs. We have a beautiful before and after photo album to show you the wonderful, transforming results of comprehensive bioesthetic reconstruction.

• CONSULTATION to give you options to discuss what customized plan will best fit your needs

DENTAL IMPLANTS: From surgery to restorative-we do all the steps in our office to help give you the most coordinated care possible. 
• Jaw Joint Stabilization ( TMJ ): address Jaw and Bite problems
• OCCLUSAL SPLINTS- MAGO or Jaw Stabilizing Splint (JSS) used to help stabilize the TMJ and chewing system.  It is the best protective and therapeutic tool we can offer for those suffering from pain in the jaws and chewing muscles. 

CLEAR ALIGNERS-Orthodontic movement of teeth with clear trays that fit over your teeth instead of wearing braces. 


Our goal is to provide you the education, instruction, motivation and skill to help prevent the disease process from keeping you from having a healthy mouth.

Platelet Rich Fibrin

We use the concentrated growth factors taken from your own blood the day of treatment to infuse the surgery site to optimize your healing.

Esthetic Tissue Grafting

Areas of tissue recession or root exposure can easily be covered with a combination of tissue grafting and PRF (platelet rich fibrin) treatment.

3D Technology

We use the latest in Dental Technology, so we can be your one stop shop for dental services. Your convenience and comfort is our priority which is why our goal is to serve all the dental services you need.


We can instantly see images of your teeth on the screen, allowing for accurate diagnoses.

Digital Efficiency

We have a state of the art CT scan to evaluate the 3 Dimensional aspects of your jaws, TMJ and teeth.


Our digital x-ray system provides safe diagnostics by reducing radiation exposure.

Bioesthetic -Implant -Laser Dentistry

Over the years at Reuss Dental we have provided some wonderful care to our patients and really improved their lives. Dr. Reuss iv uses the laser in most implant, grafting and soft tissue surgeries. Because the laser is effective in controlling the bleeding and manipulating the tissue, a traditional scalpel is not needed. Simple restorative fillings can also be done and at times no anesthetic is needed.

All Porcelain Crowns/ Veneers

All porcelain crowns provide your smile with an artist's touch. Custom-made for you, the new all porcelains will instantly help brighten your smile.

Bioesthetic dentistry

This is a philosophy based on what a healthy mouth should look and feel like. We develop a plan from start to finish to help provide and functional and esthetic optimum outcome.

Implant Supported Crowns

Custom-made crowns replace damaged or missing teeth with implants. There are many options on how we can customize a plan that will fit your needs.

Implant Dentistry

Dr. Reuss has been placing and restoring dental implants since 1999. Dr. Reuss has extensive training in placing and restoring dental implants for patients with lost or missing teeth.  He is experienced in all phases of implant surgery, bone grafting, and reconstruction. Dr. Reuss does all the steps for implant placement and restoration in our office. 

Same Day Implant

Get implant and tooth in one visit (depends on individual case).

Single Tooth Implant/Crown

Single teeth, multiple teeth, and full arches can be securely restored with the aid of dental implant support.

Multiple Tooth Implants/Implant supported bridge

The replacement teeth can be securely affixed to the dental implants so they are as much like natural teeth in appearance and function as possible.